【海韵大讲堂】第二百四十七期 Ocean warming, trends and marine extremes in the East Australian Current System


报告人:Moninya Roughan教授,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学



主持人:李俊德  教授


The East Australian Current (EAC) is Australia’s strongest and most important current and is also changing rapidly as our planet warms. Here we synthesise the current knowledge on observed trends, extremes and their drivers in the EAC system, including the coastal consequences. The EAC and its anticyclonic eddies are moving further south, and transporting more warm water poleward. As a consequence, ocean heat content is rising at two-three times the global average. Coastal and offshore warming is non-uniform with latitude associated with an increase in sea surface height and eddy activity. Coastal temperatures along southeastern Australia, have risen at among the fastest rates on earth (0.5oC per decade). At the extreme end, marine heatwaves (one of the major challenges facing marine ecosystems) are increasing in frequency and marine cold spells are decreasing. In the EAC system, trends and extremes are linked to dynamical regimes. For example, in the EAC jet transport is slowing down, and marine heatwaves are driven by air sea heat fluxes, but in the EAC Southern Extension, transport is increasing and marine heatwaves are advection driven associated with eddies. We are also seeing increasing impacts of extreme freshwater events, which we are only now beginning to quantify. This talk provides an observational and modelling framework for exploring the impacts of climate change in other boundary current systems which are also changing rapidly.


Moninya Roughan, 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学生物地球与环境科学学院教授和近岸与区域海洋学实验室主任,新南威尔士州的综合海洋观测系统和潜标网络设施建设项目主任,新南威尔士州皇家学会会士,荣获2023年新南威尔士州皇家学会克拉克奖(Clarke Medal and Lectureships in earth sciences from the Royal Society)。她长期致力于多尺度海洋动力学、陆架动力学和海洋极值的研究,主持研发的澳大利亚东南沿海海洋数值预报系统极大地改进了对东澳大利亚海流(EAC)流系多尺度动力过程的模拟。结合多源观测资料与高精度的海洋数值模式,阐明了EAC的动力特征及其变异机理,揭示了EAC和中尺度涡在复杂的跨大陆架交换的作用,解释了多尺度海洋动力过程对海洋增温和