

题目1:The use of sentinel-1 data for the land deformation monitoring : state of the art and future perspectives

报告人1:Oriol Monserrat

Senior Researcher, Head of remote sensing department of the CTTC


题目2:Radar interferometry as a tool for civil structures monitoring

报告人2:Guido Luzi

Senior Researcher, remote sensing department of the CTTC

时间:2018年11月2日(周 五)上午09:00-12:00

地点:足球比分,比分直播江宁校区 笃学楼107


报告人2简介:Guido Luzi holds a PhD in Electronic Systems Engineering. He is with the Remote Sensing Department of the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain ,since January 2014. He is involved in research activities concerning the application of spaceborne and terrestrial radar techniques. Since 1986 he has been working in microwave remote sensing, active and passive, both in industrial and research institutions, dedicating his work to the development and experimentation of microwave sensors. He took part in several International remote sensing campaigns and projects as AGRISCATT87, AGRISCATT88, MACEurope, EPOCH, MEDALUS II, ENVIRONMENT, GALAHAD, APhoRISM, and several nationalresearch contracts. He worked with the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications of the University of Florence, and later with the Department of Earth Sciences of the same University, dealing with various applications from the monitoring of volcanic areas as the Stromboli Island, to the development and experimentation of microwave sensors for the detection of vital signs (heart beat and breath), and Civil Engineering and Cultural Heritage applications.
 He is presently involved in some H2020 projects as HEIMDALL – Multi-Hazard Cooperative management tool for data exchange, response planning and scenario building; GIMS: Geodetic Integrated Monitoring system.
 He has authored or co-authored many papers in international journals concerning the aforementioned topics, and published more than fifty papers in referred international journals. He acts as referee for different journals: IEEE Trans. On Geosc. and Rem. Sens., IEEE Geosc. Rem. Sens. Letters, Int. Jour. of Rem. Sens, IEEE Selected Topics in Appl. Earth Obser.

报告人1简介: Oriol Monserrat holds a PhD in aerospace science and technology from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (2012) and a degree in mathematics from the University of Barcelona (2004). In 2003 he started working as a researcher in the Active Remote Sensing Unit of the Geomatics Institute. Since January 2014 works as a Head of the Remote Sensing Department of the Division of Geomatics at the Technological Centre of Telecommunications of Catalunya.

His research activity is related to the analysis of satellite, airborne and terrestrial remote sensing data and the development of scientific and technical applications using mainly active sensors, such as the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) radar, Real aperture Radar (RAR) and laser scanners. Dr. Monserrat is specialized in the measurement and monitoring of deformations using SAR interferometry techniques (InSAR). His most relevant research includes: (i) the development of algorithms and analysis methods for SAR interferometry, differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR) and terrestrial SAR; (ii) processing and analysis of remote sensing data; (iii) terrestrial remote sensing techniques: terrestrial laser scanner, SAR and RAR; iv) the measurement of deformations with Remote Sensing Data. This last aspect is directly related to applications related with natural hazards risk management, and in particular, with landslide and Subsidence hazards.

In his research career he has participated in different projectsof the Sixth and Seventh Framework Programs of the EU (Galahad, SubCoast, PanGeo and Aphorism) as well as H2020 (HEIMDALL, GYMS). He has also participated in outstanding projects funded by the European Space Agency (PSIC4, Terrafirma and Respond). He has also participated in national projects of different ministries (Xlide, Lira and Mides). Since January 2016, he has been the coordinator of the SAFETY project (Ref ECHO / SUB / 2015/718679 / Prev02) funded by the EC-ECHO (European Commission, Directorate-General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection). In addition, during the next two years he will coordinate the U-Geohaz project framed in the H2020 program within the ECHO call. Finally, he has more than 90 scientific publications, of which 32 are in international indexed journals (ISI). He has also directed a completed doctoral thesis and has two in progress.