理学院:Approximation of 2D Euler Equations by the Second-Grade Fluid Equation with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions


报告题目 Approximation of 2D Euler Equations by the Second-Grade Fluid Equation with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions




报告摘要 In this talk we study the limits of solutions of the second-grade fluid system, in a smooth, bounded, two-dimensional domain with no-slip boundary conditions. We prove three results. First, we establish convergence of the solutions of the second-grade model

to those of the Euler equations, extending the main result in (Lopes Filho et al., Physica D 292(293):51–61, 2015). Second, we prove equivalence between convergence (of the second-grade fluid equations to the Euler equations) and vanishing of the energy dissipation in a suitably thin region near the boundary. This amounts to a convergence criterion similar to the well-known Kato criterion for the vanishing viscosity limit of the Navier-Stokes equations to the Euler equations. Finally, we obtain an extension of Kato’s classical criterion to the second-grade fluid model.

报告人简介 臧爱彬 宜春学院教授,2011年博士毕业于香港中文大学应用数学,师从国际著名数学家辛周平教授。 2013年至2014年巴西里约热内卢联邦大学访问学者, Mathematical Review》评论员,杂志International Journal of Advanced Research in Mathematics 的编委,Physica D. Nonlinear Phenomena,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 等多个SCI期刊的评审专家。


臧爱彬博士于2008年研究得到变指数Sobolev空间的导数插值不等式的结果,填补了不同于经典Sobolev空间的不等式的空白,该文章被频繁引用,他引达30次,2011年完美解决了流体力学中的偏微分方程组Navier边界条件粘性消失极限的公开问题,得到了业内专家欣赏和好评,为粘性消失极限问题的研究打开了新的视角。在2013年至2014年在巴西里约热内卢访问期间与人合作完成一些为边界层理论工作并发表在Physica D.等杂志上。这个工作为粘性消失极限问题研究展现了新的机会,也为该问题的研究提供了有益的帮助。