理学院:Equilibrium states of partially hyperbolic horseshoes: uniqueness and statistical properties



报告人:Jaqueline Siqueira

单位:Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

时间:Sept.14, 3:00-4:00

地址:Lixue Building, Room B219

摘要:We prove uniqueness of equilibrium states of partially hyperbolic horseshoes associated to Holder continuous potentials with small variation. (Jointwork with Isabel Rios). In order to derive some statistical properties for the unique equilibrium statewe define a projection map associated to the horseshoe and prove a spectral gap for its transfer operator acting on the space of Holder continuous observables. From this we deduce an exponential decay of correlations and a central limit theorem. Finally, we extend these results to the horseshoe.

(Joint work with Vanessa Ramos.)